All posts by Mukesh Kumar

SaaS Marketer, B2B Growth Consultant, Fractional CMO, Enterprise SEO Expert.

How to use Marketing Automation for Lead Generation

Building up a client base for B2B businesses is a combined effort of marketing and sales teams. However, friction between the two is not unheard of and is pretty common in most companies. The cause behind this is oftentimes misalignment.

Leveraging marketing automation for lead generation, however, is a way to tackle this misalignment. Conventionally speaking, marketing teams are required to bring in leads and pass them on to the sales teams, who then track the lifecycle stages of these leads and take action to convert them into clients eventually.

But problems may arise due to the quality of the lead or untimely action, which could lead to the loss of significant business opportunities. While it’s easy to shift blame to either side, it’s more important to seek a solution. Enter marketing automation.

Marketing automation, also known as lead generation software, can play a significant role in getting marketing and sales teams on the same page. This solution helps marketing teams move a lead down the funnel and pass it on to the sales team once it’s ready.

The data captured by the marketing automation software can then be leveraged by the sales team to get insights regarding a contact. In this blog, I am going to talk in detail about how you can effectively use marketing automation for lead generation.

Managing Evolving Marketing Channels

The way digital content is perceived these days is completely different from say 5 years ago. It can further be argued that the elements involved change radically at times due to some phenomenon or the other. Consider the pandemic for example- it led to a sudden surge in digital content consumption.

People started relying on online channels for entertainment, seeking information, shopping, and several other purposes. This rise in content browsing gave marketers a chance to target an increased number of people.

Similar trends can be witnessed during occurrences of different events such as Black Friday or Cyber Monday. The point I am trying to get at is that the digital industry, and marketing channels by extension, are in a state of constant evolution, which marketers should thoroughly consider when they think of building lead generation strategies.

Today, the need is to make effective use of social media, email marketing, content marketing, campaigns for lead generation, SEO best practices, and landing pages to target and nurture audiences for eventually converting them into clients.

Now, the problem with multiple channels is that their management requires different software, thereby leading to a scattered approach altogether. Hence, to generate quality leads, this is the foremost issue that marketers need to deal with.

The lead generation process can be simplified extensively by combining the efforts of all marketing channels and having multiple data points in a centralized software. This is where marketing automation comes in.

Lead Generation Agency vs. Marketing Agency

How Marketing Automation Binds Lead Generation Processes

Marketing automation is essentially a one-stop-shop solution that unifies your lead-generation processes. If you look at any marketing automation software, you’ll notice that it is an amalgamation of different tools that allow you to take care of all the processes involved in lead generation.

For example, you take into account the people who visit your website to build the right audience base. Some of them will exhibit the accurate intent for you to take the conversation forward. You’ll know this when you start nurturing these leads through different email campaigns and by the way they engage with said campaigns.

Those who show further interest in your offerings will turn into sales-qualified leads and can be handed over to the sales team. Hence, you see, the process is multi-staged and it’s only natural that you’ll require different tools for every stage. What marketing automation does is provide you with all those tools in a single platform for a hassle-free experience.

Automation for Enhancing Efficiency

‘Automation’ is undoubtedly the major aspect when we talk about marketing automation. While fundamentals of lead generation remain the same, which mostly includes email campaigns, it is improved scalability that marketers are after these days.

We are looking at trends such as personalization and hyper-personalization in the digital industry. On top of this, user intent cannot be taken for granted. If you are not approaching a prospect in the right manner and with the right service/product/offerings, someone else is bound to.

Therefore, to remain ahead in the game, it is imperative to leverage automated workflows. Such an arrangement will help you personalize the content to effectively target prospects, let you know which prospects to prioritize, and allow you to have detailed insights about the journey of every one of your leads.

Nurturing leads is where marketing automation plays the most vital role during the entire lead generation process. Automated processes come into effect at this stage when your visitors have turned into leads.

What you need to do next is to keep them engaged through your content, educate them about your niche, and eventually loop them in conversations about your products. All this is achieved through sending informational content to leads after determining their lifecycle stage.

Now that we are done with the basics of lead generation marketing automation, let’s take a look at the elements that are involved in lead generation automation.

Marketing Automation Lead Generation Elements

Landing pages

The lead generation process starts with landing pages and the conversion forms that you insert on those pages. A visitor with the right intent will convert into a lead when they fill out a form on your website (a subtle hint about how important landing pages and conversion forms are for your business).

Landing pages

If you have done a good job with the form, the visitor will likely share their information which then will go into the repository of your CRM. Now, you have certain details about your new lead depending on the information you asked for in the form. This information about leads is crucial, as it is what allows you to run further campaigns and personalize the content.

Therefore, you need to ask for all the important information on the forms while making sure that they don’t get overwhelmed with the number of fields.

Autoresponders and triggered email sequences

If a visitor fills up a form to download a guide from your website, you ideally need to keep them engaged through further conversations. One way to do this is through autoresponders or triggered email nurture sequences.

For example, once they submit a form, they would receive a ‘thank you’ mail and you could also provide a pdf version of the guide or ebook in the mail itself. This can be set up with the help of marketing automation tools.

Triggered email sequences are also essential in the sense that they ensure the delivery of content that is personalized for each contact and based on their engagement. The automatic lead generation process is heavily dependent on such tools.

Funnel stages

Automated lead management relies on sales funnel stages. With the help of marketing automation tools, you can strategically move the leads down the funnel until they are ready to get on a demo call.

Sales funnel stages are:

  1. Subscriber
  2. Lead
  3. Marketing qualified lead (MQL)
  4. Sales qualified lead (SQL)
  5. Customer

Funnel stages are also important because they tell you the kind of content a particular lead will potentially engage with. For instance, consider an MQL- the content you target these leads with should range between industry-related information and information about services/tools that could be useful for them.

On the contrary, an SQL would have moved down from the above stages and would already be knowledgeable about the industry. Now, you would need to educate them about your services/products and tell them why they should choose you instead of any other competitor.

However, you can only be this precise with all your leads if you are aware of their funnel stages, which is exactly the knowledge marketing automation provides you with.

Marketing Automation For Lead Generation

Automating the Lead Generation Process

We have discussed in detail why marketing automation is crucial for lead generation today and where exactly marketing automation comes from in the entire lead generation process. The next step here is to see how you can exactly automate processes for generating high-quality leads.

Automating personalization

Marketers have probably realized by now that without considering user intent they cannot get too far and certainly cannot build lasting relationships. User intent and personalization are connected in the sense that without accounting for the former you won’t be able to deliver a personalized experience, which is necessary for businesses today.

  • Marketing automation allows you to deliver exactly such an experience through a variety of tools. We have already touched upon automating email campaigns, but it’s worth mentioning again about personalization. By automating email campaigns, you wouldn’t have to worry about a lack of personalization. Different companies use marketing automation tools that allow you to personalize the entire campaign for multiple contacts.
  • Other than emails, you can also leverage chatbots to enhance the customer experience when they land on your website, which will further increase the chances of generating better leads. Chatbots can be hard to manage manually unless you have a dedicated team or at the very least a person to handle things. With marketing automation, however, you don’t have to worry about replying to every single message yourself or at least keeping a tab on conversations 24*7. You can set up a time and let the visitors know when you’ll be available.

These smaller aspects go a long way when you want to improve customer experience. If the visitor feels valued and gets answers to their queries right away, the chances of them converting are much higher.

  • If you want to go a step further, you can also personalize the website experience for recurring visitors. This can be done by mapping the behavior of all visitors and then categorizing them. Customer personas will further help you target visitors in a much better way, thereby allowing you to generate better-quality leads. And while taking care of all this data could be hard, marketing automation tools can help you achieve it easily.

Automated lead management

We talked about funnel stages in the last section and saw why segmentation is important for delivering the right content to the right contact.

Everything starting from segmenting leads to lead scoring can be efficiently done with the help of marketing automation software. Automated lead management can make things for you incredibly easy because, let’s be honest, it’s impossible to manually deal with large-scale data, especially when you have more important tasks to take care of.

With the help of marketing automation, lead scoring becomes a piece of cake. Furthermore, you’ll know exactly how engaged you need to keep a lead for them to keep moving down the funnel. A lot of time, marketers miss out on important deals because their process is slow.

They may have forgotten about a follow-up or didn’t find the time to deal with the lead at the right moment. Marketing automation tools are built to take care of such tasks and ensure timely engagement with leads.

However, you should take care to choose the right marketing automation software since poor integration could get you in a ditch. A robust integration system is the backbone of automated lead management.

Lead magnets for automated lead generation

Building a marketing automation list is probably among the very first steps when we talk about lead generation. However, it can be a pain to get details of quality prospects. A lead magnet can help you solve this issue though.

A lead magnet is offering free content or services to prospects which may ultimately incline them to sign up for your product/service. You can offer eBooks, reports, free audits, or guides to engage prospects.

automated lead generation

This will also serve the purpose of educating them about your industry. What you have to ensure is that any content or service you offer for free should provide value to the prospects; otherwise, what’s the point, right? Offering a solution to key industry problems could be a way around this.

Lead magnets primarily allow you to showcase your expertise in industry matters, which will further entice prospects to consider you when they are ready to leverage your product/service. They are further an easy way to kickstart the automated lead generation process.

To sum up

Lead generation marketing automation- a process that lets you build a content client base- needs to be tackled strategically for the most benefit. As a marketer, you should focus on getting behind on every aspect entailed in the entire process.

Without educating yourself, you could be doing more harm to your business than good. But, if you leverage it wisely, marketing automation has the potential to help you generate leads that are just the right fit for your business.

Automating the lead generation process allows you to focus on the necessary tasks while taking repetitive, time-consuming, but necessary tasks off your hands. Here’s the summarized version of ways in which marketing automation lead generation benefits you:

  1. Automated email campaigns free you from sending follow-ups and personalized messages for an enhanced customer experience.
  2. Lead scoring and automated lead management allow you to track the journey of every contact in your list.
  3. Marketing automation tools help you send relevant content to prospects, which speeds up their journey down the funnel.
  4. Triggered email campaigns increase the chances of engagement.
  5. Salespeople can focus on building relationships with warm leads rather than spending excessive time on cold campaigns.
  6. Marketing automation deals efficiently with information about your leads and lets you know when and how to act upon a certain contact to maximize the chances of conversion.
  7. Lead generation marketing automation gets marketing and sales teams on the page, thereby reducing friction between the two.
  8. Automating processes allows you to combine the efforts of different marketing channels.

Top 10 Reasons Why Shopify Is The Best eCommerce Platform in 2023

Did you know that the number of online shoppers is expected to reach 300 million in 2023 in the U.S. alone?

This means that today, it is vital to have an online store for your eCommerce business, even if your physical store is doing well. But, in order to have a successful online eCommerce store, you’ll need plenty of support because it’s no piece of the cake.

The critical element in this equation is an eCommerce platform that will help you generate a significant audience base. Running an online store is no easy feat since a myriad of processes is involved, ranging from setting up the website to accepting payments.

However, an eCommerce platform will provide you with all the necessary solutions that you need to set up and run your online business. Shopify is one such platform. Before I move on to tell you why you need to consider Shopify, let’s quickly take a look at what Shopify is.

Shopify Overview

With Shopify, an eCommerce software, you can build your online store from scratch. The platform allows you to create the entire store before you start selling the products. You can leverage any or all selling channels that it equips you with and build a strong customer base.

Furthermore, Shopify has tools that can be used to market your store, including Facebook ads, email marketing, and business chat. When you have set up everything, you can manage your entire store from Shopify’s dashboard itself.

And, when I say manage everything, I mean everything related to order placement, payments, and insights for improving the store.

Currently, over 500,000 businesses in 175 countries are using this platform to run their stores. These numbers speak for themselves, but I’ll share some excellent reasons that clearly demonstrate the competence of this eCommerce platform.

10 Reasons why Shopify is the Best eCommerce Platform

In-built marketing tools

After you have built your online store, the next step is to bring the right customers to your eCommerce website, and that cannot be achieved without marketing tools. Shopify’s in-built marketing tools eliminate the need for going to different platforms and provide you with a variety of options to reach your ideal audience.

You can promote your products via Facebook ads and Google smart shopping. Additionally, the fact that Shopify provides a blog as a channel for generating leads has made it popular among a lot of businesses.

why shopify

Supports multiple languages

One way to expand an online business is to sell products globally. This is easy to achieve with online stores as they overcome the limitations of physical stores. But even with online stores, the key to reaching out to a global customer base is localizing experience.

This means that customers should be able to browse your store in their local languages and should be able to choose the local currency for making payments. Shopify provides such an experience, thereby allowing you to reach a wider audience and make more sales.

The only thing you’ll need to check is if your shipping providers ship the products to the locations you want.

Optimum page load speed and SEO focused

One thing you don’t need with an eCommerce website is high bounce rates and abandoned carts due to poor page load speed. Because Shopify uses CDN for images and JS and CSS files, the content on your website loads faster, which in turn ensures an enhanced customer experience.

Much like page load speed, SEO is also a major factor that could be a deciding factor for the success of your store. Shopify provides built-in meta tags and manages robots.txt for optimizing the websites. Furthermore, the platform’s sitemap feature takes care of indexing and crawling of all pages.

The free business name generator

Another popular feature that Shopify is known for is its business name generator. It lets you name your brand in a matter of seconds and further helps you secure a domain name. The name of your brand is a crucial aspect, and it should be as creative as possible. You also need to make sure that you are not infringing on any other copyrighted names.

While sometimes, it may come to you quickly, mostly, it could be a hard task to come up with a suitable word/phrase that instantly describes your brand. Shopify’s business name generator could take this task off your hands easily.

Option of hiring an expert

Shopify experts are freelancers and third-party agencies that will help you take care of different aspects of the eCommerce website. You can get help regarding content writing, setting up the store, visual content and branding, marketing and sales, development and troubleshooting, and any other general stuff.

If you think you are out of your depth in this area, seeking help from an expert could be the best idea. It can be overwhelming to get acquainted with something new; however, with the help of an expert, you can acquire all the necessary learnings for running an online store.

top ecommerce solution shopify

Lets you provide multiple payment methods to customers

The payment process of your store should be as smooth as possible, or else you risk abandoned carts and unsatisfied customers. Offering multiple payment methods to customers is probably the easiest thing you can do to streamline payment gateways.

You need to check which payment methods are available in the countries that you are targeting and incorporate those on your website. Shopify provides various payment methods, some of which are fairly common, like Amazon Pay, PayPal, Apple Pay, credit card, and Google Pay. Other than these, Shopify also lets you customize the payment methods according to the targeted location.

Fully hosted

Web hosting could be a challenging issue if you are not technically inclined. You will ideally need to build expertise in this area, which requires time. But Shopify is a hosted solution, meaning there’s no need for you to worry about databases or servers.

Therefore, you don’t have to be tech-savvy to start an eCommerce business. You easily manage and access your store with an internet connection and admin login details.

14-day free trial

Jumping blindfolded into something new is always risky. However, you don’t need to worry about this with Shopify since the platform offers a 14-day trial. You can do your research and explore the platform before deciding if it will be a good fit for your business or not.

14-day free trial

After the trial period, you could choose from any of the three plans that Shopify offers:

  1. Basic – $29/month
  2. Shopify – $79/month
  3. Advanced Shopify – $299/month

Allows you to manage the store via smartphone

Let’s be honest; there are bound to be times when you cannot access your laptop. However, that shouldn’t come in the way of your business. The Shopify app ensures exactly that and allows you to track anything important right from your smartphone. You check how your store is functioning and also track its performance (number of visitors and total sales etc.).

Additionally, the app also lets you manage products, orders, and customers. Therefore, it doesn’t matter what situation you are in, and you always have a way of checking up on your store to maximize its potential.

Provides great support

Lastly, Shopify is often hailed for its 24*7 support system. The platform offers support via phone, live chat, and email for greater convenience. Other than this, you always have the option of searching for queries on the Shopify community. Their forum has over 87,000 members and is currently live with more than 1,100,000 posts.

Shopify’s own help center also equips you with all the necessary information- starting from how to set up your online store to managing everything, including customers, payments, orders, and shipping and delivery.

Shopify – the best choice for your eCommerce store

Now you know why you should at least give Shopify a try. Its long list of features is sure to provide you with everything you need to succeed in your online business. This cloud-based eCommerce tool is affordable and will help you save a lot of time and money that you may otherwise spend to build an online store.

Optimize Your Marketing And Sales with 9 CRM Best Practices

Sales and marketing teams have long relied on CRM software to manage customer interactions and track sales pipeline. But to get the most out of your CRM, it’s important to practice some best practices. Here are a few tips to help you optimize your CRM for marketing and sales purposes. First, make sure all of your data is entered into the system accurately.

This includes customer information, contact details, and past interactions. Next, use the CRM to keep track of your marketing campaigns. Keep track of which campaigns generate the most leads and measure their success over time. Finally, use the CRM to track the sales pipeline and forecast future sales. Implementing these best practices will help you get the most out of your CRM software.

CRM software

Keep your customer data organized and up-to-date

The first step to getting the most out of your CRM is to make sure all of your customer and contact data is entered accurately and kept up to date. This includes customer information, contact details, and past interactions.

Customer and contact data accuracy is essential for marketing and sales success. If the data is inaccurate, it can lead to wasted time and resources trying to reach the wrong people or targeting campaigns at the wrong customers.

Inaccurate CRM data can hurt your business in several ways. It can lead to duplicate contacts and leads and may even result in lost sales opportunities. Second, inaccurate data can lead to ineffective marketing campaigns. Inaccurate data can hamper your ability to forecast future sales accurately. This can lead to missed opportunities and financial losses.

Inaccurate data can also cause confusion and frustration among team members, as they will be working with incorrect information.

Therefore, it is essential to take the time to enter all customer and contact data accurately into your CRM system.

optimizing your crm

Create targeted marketing campaigns based on customer interests and demographics

Your CRM can be your best friend if you use it right. With all of your data in one place, the insights are limitless. Use your CRM to create targeted marketing campaigns based on who you’re selling to–their age, location, hobbies, and what they buy from you. Truly find out what makes them tick so that you know how to take care of them later.

When it comes to marketing campaigns, it’s important to target specific demographics. For example, if you’re selling a product geared towards mothers, you’ll want to target mothers in your advertising. You can use your CRM to track demographic data and use it to create targeted campaigns. You can also use your CRM to track customer interactions. This will help you to understand your customers and their needs better.

Use lead scoring to identify potential customers

Lead scoring is the process of calculating a score for each lead in your database based on their likelihood to convert into a customer. This score can be used to prioritize leads and determine which ones to focus on. Several factors can be used to calculate a lead score, including demographic information, contact history, and engagement with your marketing content.

Using lead scoring can help you identify potential customers more efficiently. You can assign points to different criteria, such as how warm a lead is or how likely they are to purchase. Leads that score higher on your scale are considered more valuable, and you can focus your attention on them accordingly.

There are many software options available for lead scoring. Some CRM systems have built-in lead scoring features, while others offer standalone lead scoring software. The key is to find a system that fits your needs and helps you prioritize your leads.

It’s important to prioritize your leads when it comes to sales and conversion. Some leads will be more likely to convert than others, so focusing your energy on the most promising leads is important. There are a few ways to prioritize your leads, including:

  1. Based on purchase history: Leads that have a history of buying from you are more likely to buy from you again.
  2. Based on engagement: Leads who have shown an interest in your product or service are more likely to convert than those who have not.
  3. Based on demographics: Certain demographics are more likely to buy your product or service than others. For example, young people are more likely to buy technology products than seniors.
  4. Based on the level of urgency: This is a subjective measure that considers how badly the potential customer wants your product or service. For example, a business traveler who needs to get from point A to point B might be more willing to buy a plane ticket immediately than someone who isn’t traveling.

Automate sales processes as much as possible

Sales processes can be time-consuming and tedious, but they don’t have to be. Automating some of these processes can save you a lot of time and hassle.

Sales processes can be automated to a large extent by using CRM software. This can save time and improve accuracy. Automating sales processes also allows you to track the progress of each sale from start to finish. This saves the time and expense of going back and forth with a deal that has stalled.

Here are a few tips for automating your sales process:

  1. Use a CRM to track leads and sales pipeline. This will automate the process of tracking sales progress and forecasting future sales.
  2. Use email automation tools to automate the process of sending out marketing emails and follow-up emails.
  3. Use online tools like Calendly to automate the process of scheduling meetings.
  4. Use payment processing tools like PayPal to automate accepting payments.
  5. Look into third-party referral management tools to automate the process of finding and managing referrals.

Reduce human errors using data validation

Data validation is the process of verifying and ensuring the accuracy of data before it is used. This is important to reduce the risk of human error, leading to inaccurate results. There are a few ways to validate data. One method is to check the data against a set of rules. This can be done manually or automatically.

Another approach is to compare the data to other data sources. This can help to identify inaccuracies and inconsistencies. Finally, you can use mathematical algorithms to verify the data. This is usually the best choice if the data is numerical and contains a lot of values. All of these methods can be used to verify data before it’s entered into a CRM.

Reduce human errors

Most CRMs provide their own set of tools for contact management, so using them properly will help you manage your contacts more effectively. It’s essential to be clear about the company you are working for because this will establish some ground rules. You can segment your data based on company attributes like industry, size, and location.

A good CRM system will allow you to quickly filter contact groups based on these rules.

contact management best practices

Train your staff on how to use the CRM software effectively

Sales team CRM training is essential for getting the most out of your CRM. One of the most important things you can do to get the most out of your CRM software is to train your staff to use it effectively. Please make sure everyone who needs access to the system is familiar with its features and how to use them.

Ensure all of your sales reps are familiar with the system and use it to track leads and sales pipeline, entering data accurately and using the CRM to track marketing and sales activities. By training your staff on how to use the CRM, you’ll ensure that everyone uses it to its full potential and gets the most out of it.

Additionally, set up regular training sessions to ensure that everyone is up-to-date on the latest features and changes. This will help keep your CRM use efficient and effective, maximizing its value for your marketing and sales efforts.

If you are responsible for managing the marketing team, make sure to use your CRM data to measure the success of your campaigns. This will allow you to see which campaigns are generating the most leads and customer conversions, allowing you to focus future campaigns on the best returning sources of revenue. Suppose you don’t have this information readily available. In that case, you will only be able to guess which traffic sources are most effective, not knowing if your marketing efforts are worthwhile.

Finally, make sure that your sales reps use the CRM to track their pipeline. This will allow them to effectively forecast future sales and see where they stand with each customer. Customers who need additional information or have questions and unresolved issues should be prioritized because these customers are most likely to buy your product.

These best practices will help ensure that your CRM gives you the biggest bang for your buck, helping maximize its value as a useful marketing and sales tool.

Regularly analyze your data to track progress and optimize your strategies

CRM software can be a powerful tool for marketing and sales, but it’s only effective if you use it effectively. One best practice for getting the most out of your CRM is regularly reviewing your data. Periodically analyzing your data will help you track your progress and optimize your strategies. This means regularly checking your data to see which campaigns are generating the most leads and measuring the success of these campaigns over time. It also means tracking your sales pipeline and forecasting future sales. Using your CRM to its full potential can achieve excellent results in your marketing and sales efforts.

Another best practice for maximizing your marketing and sales efforts is keeping track of which campaigns generate the most leads. Then, measure their success over time. If a campaign stops being successful, either put more effort behind it or stop running it altogether.

You should also use your CRM to track the sales pipeline and forecast future sales. This will allow you to measure your sales team’s performance and offer support for critical business decisions. This can help you determine who is generating the most leads, which customers are ready to purchase, and what type of sales conversions you can expect.

CRM best practices should also include using your CRM software to track each lead through the whole sales funnel. This will help you measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns by seeing which ones are generating the most leads. Make sure to track which campaigns generate targeted traffic, lead conversions, and sales conversions.

Conclusion: Is your CRM optimized?

There are many CRM best practices to optimize your marketing and sales. To get the most out of these tools, you must accurately enter all data, track your marketing campaigns for success over time, and use the CRM to forecast future sales pipelines. It may seem daunting at first if you’re not familiar with how a CRM works or what information is pertinent, but we can help!

My goal is to create successful digital marketing strategies that ensure top-of-the-line customer service by leveraging cognitive neuroscience principles like behavioral psychology to tap into how customers think during different stages of the purchasing process or lead funnel. Which principle have you used before? Let me know!

What Is A Sales Development Representative (SDR)? Role, Skills, Qualifications, Challenges

Sales development representatives are salespeople who specialize in prospecting and lead generation. They’re usually responsible for making the first contact with prospective customers, which often takes the form of phone calls or emails.

Sales Development Representatives typically work for larger companies that offer multiple products or services, meaning they can target prospects by industry, location, company size, and other criteria. Some common titles include “sales engineer,” “business development representative,” and “account executive.” Unlike some other types of salespeople who sell directly to consumers (e.g., door-to-door sales), SDRs generally don’t interact with end users–instead they focus on finding potential clients within an organization to bring into the fold.

SDRs can be employed by several different types of businesses, from smaller companies with only a handful of employees to larger ones with hundreds or even thousands.

Who is this article for? If your company is hiring sales development reps, you may find this knowledge useful in helping them understand what SDRs do and how they fit into the business. If you’re an SDR, this can help you understand what’s expected of you and how your job fits into the organization as a whole.

What is a Sales Development Rep (SDR)?

Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) are the first point of contact for many sales teams. They are responsible for identifying and qualifying potential customers, as well as building relationships with potential buyers.

SDRs are responsible for cold-calling and emailing potential clients to see if they would be interested in learning more about a company’s products and services.

The typical day in the life of an SDR includes a lot of outreach, whether through phone calls, emails, or social media. They spend a lot of time reaching out to potential customers and identifying those who might be interested in what their company has to offer.

Because of their active role in the discovery, SDRs are often involved in success closes. They work with customers to discover how they can best solve problems and identify the best solution for them. SDRs then work with sales staff to finalize any necessary paperwork before closing.

Sales representatives who are looking to further their careers typically begin as SDRs. They can then move into other jobs within the field, including territory sales representatives and account managers.

Sellers looking to become an SDR should keep in mind that this position requires a lot of outreach, often making phone calls or sending emails for long periods every day. This job is ideal for someone who enjoys listening and speaking to people and is motivated by the idea of helping others.

What are the skills and qualifications for an SDR role?

Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) are responsible for developing new business opportunities through prospecting and qualifying leads. They play an essential role in a company’s sales process by identifying potential customers and creating interest in a product or service. SDRs should have excellent communication skills, be able to solve problems, and articulate ideas.

They should also be comfortable working with people and be able to build relationships. Qualifications for an SDR role vary depending on the company, but some standard requirements include a college degree, previous sales experience, and knowledge of the company’s products or services. It also includes strong communication skills, problem-solving skills, and the ability to articulate ideas. They should also be comfortable working with people and be able to establish trust.

marketing automation

What skills do successful SDRs have?

Successful SDRs are incredibly effective communicators, especially on the phone. They’re able to move a conversation quickly from small talk to business and back again in a matter of minutes. Sales reps must be good listeners and be adept at picking up on the subtle nuances in tone and body language that can help determine who’s a good fit for their product.

Sellers should also be able to pick up quickly on the prospect’s tone, whether they are excited about the prospect, skeptical, or completely disinterested. This means listening carefully to what prospects say and paying attention to their body language.

If you’re thinking of applying for an SDR role, you should be able to demonstrate your ability to handle rejection. Even the most experienced sales reps occasionally get turned down on cold calls. Successful SDRs are resilient and not discouraged easily by what others think of them or their ideas.

Successful SDRs

Sellers interested in becoming successful SDRs should consider joining a company that provides in-depth training. This is an excellent way to learn the ins and outs of sales, including qualifying leads, customer relations, upselling/cross-selling techniques, and much more.

What are some challenges faced by SDRs?

Selling over the phone can be extremely challenging because it requires sellers to strike a balance between demonstrating their expertise on the product or service they are selling while remaining flexible enough to adapt to any objections. This requires excellent communication skills and the ability to think quickly on one’s feet.

Sales development representatives (SDRs) are vital for many sales teams. They bridge the gap between potential customers and the sales team by qualifying leads and building relationships. SDRs are typically responsible for the following tasks:

    1. Generating leads through research and networking
    2. Qualifying leads through phone calls, emails, or other forms of communication
    3. Building relationships with potential customers
    4. Collaborating with the sales team to follow up on qualified leads

One of the main challenges faced by SDRs is qualifying leads. This involves determining whether or not a lead is worth pursuing and whether or not they have the budget and need for the product or service being offered, and ensuring the lead is a legitimate opportunity. They need to identify the buying signals of potential buyers and determine whether or not they are a good fit for the company’s products or services. They also need to qualify the leads based on their budget, timeline, and authority.

SDRs also face the challenge of building relationships with potential customers. This requires empathy for the buyer and understanding their needs, which can be challenging to do over email or phone.

SDRs are also typically responsible for researching industry trends and events to find leads and maintaining an updated database of contacts they have spoken with recently. SDRs collaborate with the sales team to ensure all qualified leads flow through for a smooth and effective sales process.

How can you become a successful SDR salesperson?

The road to becoming a successful SDR salesperson is not an easy one. It takes a lot of hard work, determination, and resilience. However, if you are willing to put in the effort, here are some tips to help you on your journey.

First and foremost, it is important to understand what a sales development representative does. This will help you to better understand the role and the skills that are required for success. Secondly, make sure that you have the necessary qualifications and experience.

Finally, hone your skillset by practicing and learning from others. Be open to feedback and willing to learn from your mistakes.

Sales Development reps learn from their mistakes. They are constantly working to improve their skills and become more successful in their role. One of the best ways to learn is to reflect on your experiences and see what you can learn from them.

SDR salesperson

For example, they can learn how to qualify potential customers better, build better relationships with clients, and generate more leads. They can also learn what works and what doesn’t work for them, so they can continue to improve their sales process.

Mistakes are a valuable part of the learning process, and sales development reps should embrace them. By learning from their mistakes, SDRs can become more successful in their role and boost their sales performance.

What are the benefits of working as an SDR?

The benefits of working as an SDR are vast. Sales development reps are responsible for developing new leads and opportunities for their company by working with potential customers. They identify potential customers, qualify them, and create a plan to move them through the sales funnel. By doing this, they help increase sales and revenue for their company.

Another benefit of working as an SDR is that they have the opportunity to learn about the sales process. They learn how to identify customer needs, understand what solutions they need, and articulate those solutions to potential customers. This knowledge helps them when they transition into a role in sales.

SDRs also have the opportunity to work with a wide range of people. They develop relationships with current customers, potential customers, and sales reps. They must learn to work with many different types of people to help them move through the sales process.

marketing automation

What is the future of the Sales Development Rep role?

The future of the SDR role is bright. Sales development reps are an essential part of any sales team and play a vital role in the company’s success. They are responsible for developing new leads and opportunities for their company by working with potential customers.

SDRs are a great fit for many sales teams because they can work with people, solve problems, and articulate ideas. They are also responsible for researching industry trends and events to find leads and maintaining an updated database of contacts they have spoken with recently. This makes them an invaluable part of any sales organization.

Sales development reps are critical to the success of any company, and their role will only continue to grow in importance in the coming years. As a result, more and more companies are hiring SDRs to help with their sales process and increase revenue.

The perfect candidate for this job has excellent phone skills and is able to speak with poise and confidence when communicating with potential customers. They must be able to communicate accurately, understand customer needs, and add value to the sales process.

The role of an SDR is demanding and requires constant improvement for success. However, with the proper training, skillset, and work ethic, they can become one of the most important parts of any successful sales organization.


Sales Development Reps (SDRs) are the lifeblood of any sales organization. They play an important role in qualifying leads and getting them ready for the next stage of the sales process. SDRs should have excellent communication skills, be able to solve problems, and articulate ideas well.

The typical day for a sales development representative is always busy. They are constantly on the phone or emailing trying to qualify leads and get them ready for the next stage of the sales process. A lot of outreach via email and phone and working with other members of the sales team to help move deals through the pipeline. If you’re looking for a career in sales, consider becoming an SDR – it’s a great way to start your journey up the ladder to success.

Google Postmaster Tools: How To Improve Email Deliverability

Google Postmaster Tools are a set of tools that can help you manage your email deliverability. This means that you can use these tools to get insights about your email traffic and how well it performs and tips on improving delivery.

To use the Postmaster Tools, you must first verify your domain and create some records with Google. After that, you can begin using the various tools in the interface to troubleshoot and optimize your email program.

What are some of the most common issues people encounter with their email marketing campaigns, and how can Google Postmaster Tools help you troubleshoot them?

Some of the most common issues that people encounter with their email marketing campaigns are:

  1. Incorrect sender address
  2. Invalid recipient addresses
  3. Spam complaints
  4. Bounces (undeliverable messages)

Google Postmaster Tools can help you troubleshoot all of these issues. For example, the toolset can provide insights into how many spam complaints your messages receive and how to reduce them. It can also help you identify and fix invalid recipient addresses. And, if you see a large number of bounces, the Postmaster Tools can help you identify the root cause and fix it.

To use Google Postmaster Tools, you first need to verify your domain with Google. This is a simple process that only takes a few minutes. Once your domain is verified, you can begin using the various tools in the Postmaster Tools interface.

The Postmaster Tools interface is divided into four main sections:

  1. Overview
  2. Traffic insights
  3. Compliance
  4. Setup

The Overview section provides an overview of your email program, including message volume, spam complaints, and delivery statistics. The Traffic insights section provides more detailed information about your messages’ performance, including data on opens, clicks, and bounces.

The Compliance section helps you ensure that your messages comply with Google’s anti-spam policies. And the Setup section provides instructions on setting up SPF and DKIM records for your domain.

b2b email marketing automation

What are Google Postmaster Tools and what do they do for you as a business owner or marketer?

The Postmaster Tools consist of the following tools:

Inbox Preview

This tool lets you see how your email will look in different email clients.

Spam Analysis

This tool provides information on how likely your email is to be marked as spam and suggestions on improving your deliverability.

Email Delivery Report

This report shows you how your email is performing, including data on opens, clicks, unsubscribes, and complaints.

Sender Reputation

This tool helps you understand your sender’s reputation and how it affects email deliverability.


This tool provides information on how well your email is being authenticated and offers tips on improving authentication.


This tool helps you ensure that your email meets industry standards for spam and privacy.

The Postmaster Tools are a valuable resource for improving your email deliverability. Using these tools, you can troubleshoot any problems with your email program and optimize your email content and delivery to ensure that your emails are delivered to your subscribers’ inboxes.

If you are interested in using the Google Postmaster Tools, visit the official website for more information. There, you can find guides on how to set up and use the tools and tips on improving your email deliverability.

The Diagnostics Tool

This tool provides information about your email traffic, such as how much of it is being blocked or delivered to the spam folder. It also shows how many messages were sent, received, and bounced, as well as how long it took to deliver them.

The Sender Score Checker

This tool measures your email program’s reputation and provides tips on how to improve it. It checks your sending IP address against a list of known spammers. The higher your score, the better your reputation and the more likely your messages are to be delivered.

The Delivery Monitoring Tool

This tool allows you to see how your messages are performing over time. You can use it to troubleshoot delivery issues and improve your email program’s performance.

Google Postmaster Tools provides a wealth of information about your email traffic and its performance. Using the Postmaster Tools interface tools, you can troubleshoot and optimize your email program for better deliverability.

How does Google Postmaster Tools help protect your domain reputation and keep your email lists healthy and spam-free?

google post master

Google Postmaster Tools helps protect your domain reputation and keep your email lists healthy and spam-free in several ways:

  1. It gives you insights into how your emails perform, including information on how many bounces and complaints you receive. It also tells you how many people are opening your emails and provides tips on improving delivery.
  2. The Postmaster Tools interface includes a tool that checks your email headers for common problems that can lead to spam complaints or other delivery issues.
  3. The toolset provides a blacklist monitoring service to help you stay informed about any changes to the blacklists that could impact your email deliverability.

Google Postmaster Tools

If you have problems with your email deliverability, using Google Postmaster Tools can help you troubleshoot the issue. The insights and tips this toolset provides can help you improve your email program and protect your domain reputation. Simply verify your domain and create some records with Google to get started.

Then, use the various tools in the Postmaster Tools interface to get started. Enjoy improved email deliverability with Google Postmaster Tools!

How does Google Postmaster Tools differ from other email marketing platforms, and why should you consider using it in your business strategy?

Google Postmaster Tools is a comprehensive set of tools that can help you troubleshoot and optimize your email program. It differs from other email marketing platforms in that it provides detailed insights about your email traffic and how well it is performing. In addition, it offers tips on how to improve delivery.

If you are looking for an all-in-one platform that can help you get the most out of your email marketing efforts, Google Postmaster Tools is an excellent option to consider.

Google Postmaster Tools

Some of the benefits of using Google Postmaster Tools include:

  1. Detailed insights into your email traffic and performance
  2. Tips on how to improve delivery
  3. Tools to help troubleshoot any issues with your email program


Google Postmaster Tools is a great way to help you manage your email deliverability. The verification process is simple, and the tools in the interface are easy to use. After verifying your domain and creating some records with Google, you can use the tools to troubleshoot and optimize your email program. This will help you improve delivery rates and keep your subscribers happy.

Have you tried Google Postmaster Tools? What has been your experience?

If you need help getting started, our team at MarAutomation can assist you. We provide a variety of services to help you improve your email program, including consultation, design and deployment services, and ongoing support. Contact us today to learn more!

Email Marketing Services: How It Works And Successful Email Campaigns

Email marketing services are a great way to keep in touch with customers and promote your business. Email marketing uses email to send advertisements, messages, or other types of content to a group of people who have consented to receive that type of message from you. Email marketing can be an effective way to reach out to customers and promote your business, but only if it is done correctly.

Email marketing services can help you create and send email campaigns that are effective and compliant with the law. Email marketing services can also provide you with templates, lists of subscribers, and other tools to make email marketing easier.

Email marketing services vary in their offerings, so it is important to find one that fits your needs. Some email marketing services offer a free trial, while others charge a monthly fee. Email marketing services may also offer features such as automation, which can save you time by sending emails automatically at pre-determined intervals.

tips for successful email marketing campaigns

When choosing an email marketing service, it is important to consider your needs and budget. It is also important to make sure that the email marketing service you choose is compliant with the law. The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 establishes requirements for commercial messages, gives customers the right to opt out of receiving emails from you, and sets penalties for violations.

Email marketing services can help you create and send effective and compliant email campaigns. Choosing the right email marketing service will help you reach your customers and promote your business.

How does it work

Email marketing is a great way to keep in touch with your customers and followers. It can also be a great way to promote your products or services. But how does it work?

When you create an email marketing campaign, you first need to create a list of people who will receive your messages. This can be done by collecting email addresses from your website or blog or doing web research to build out a list.

Once you have a list of email addresses, you need to create a message that you will send to those people. This message can be anything from a simple promotional message to a more complex message that includes information about your products or services.

Email Marketing

Once you have created your message, you need to send it out to your list of people. This can be done using an email marketing service or sending the emails yourself.

Email marketing services will usually provide you with a way to track how many people open and click on your messages to see how effective your campaign is.

How to create an effective email campaign

An email campaign can be an effective way to reach out to customers and promote your business. But, before you start blasting out emails to everyone on your list, you should keep a few things in mind.

First, make sure your email campaigns are well-targeted. Sending messages to people who aren’t interested in what you have to say is a certain way to get your messages ignored.

Second, keep your messages short and to the point. No one wants to read a long, rambling email. Get your point across quickly and move on.

tips to create an email marketing campaigns

Finally, make use of tools like A/B testing to make sure your emails are as effective as possible. A/B testing allows you to send out different versions of your email to other groups of people and see which version gets the best reaction.

Email marketing can be a great way to reach out to customers and promote your business. Just keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be sure to make the most of your campaign.

Tips for improving your open and click-through rates

Email marketing can be an extremely effective way to reach out to your audience and promote your products or services, but only if your emails are opened and clicked on. Here are a few tips for improving your email open and click-through rates:

  1. Make sure your subject lines are catchy and interesting.
  2. Personalize your emails as much as possible.
  3. Keep your email content short and to the point.
  4. Use images sparingly, as too many can make your email seem cluttered.
  5. Include a call to action in every email.
  6. Make sure your emails are mobile-friendly.
  7. Test, test, test! Try sending your emails at different times of day and to different list segments to see what gets the best results.

improving your open and click-through rates

Examples of successful email campaigns

Email marketing can be a highly successful way to reach out to your customers and promote your products or services. However, it’s essential to make sure that your email campaigns are well-designed and well-executed to achieve the best results. Here are a few examples of successful email campaigns:

  • The Obama campaign used email marketing to significant effect during the 2008 election, raising over $750 million through its various email appeals.
  • In 2012, the British Heart Foundation used email marketing to promote its “Change4Life” campaign, which encouraged people to adopt healthier lifestyles. The campaign was a success, with over 1.5 million people signing up for the program.
  • In 2013, The Guardian newspaper used email marketing to launch its “GuardianWitness” project, allowing readers to submit videos and photos of newsworthy events happening in their area.

Email marketing can also be used to promote special sales or discounts on products and services. For example, many online retailers will send out “flash sale” emails to their subscribers, offering steep discounts on items for a limited time only.

Email marketing can also be used to build relationships with potential and current customers. Many companies will send out regular newsletters or “ezines” containing helpful tips, articles, or other information that would be of interest to their target audience.

How email marketing works

If you’re thinking of using email marketing for your business, there are a few things to keep in mind to make sure your campaign is successful:

Make sure you have a large enough email list

You’ll need to have a significant number of people on your email list to reach a wide enough audience.

Make sure your emails are well-designed and well-written

Your emails should be visually appealing and easy to read, with clear calls to action.

Make sure you have a good email marketing service

Several different email marketing services are available, so it’s important to choose one that will suit your needs.

Make sure you track your results

Keep track of how many people opened your email, clicked on the links, and unsubscribed from your list. This will help you to fine-tune your email marketing campaigns and make them more effective over time.

Email marketing can be a great way to reach out to your customers and promote your products or services. However, it’s important to make sure that your email campaigns are well-designed and well-executed to achieve the best results. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be on your way to success!


Email marketing is a powerful way to reach your target audience. This article outlines the different types of email messages you can use and how they work for driving sales in your business. If you want help implementing these strategies into your original marketing plan, let us know! We offer an affordable monthly retainer that will allow you direct access to our team of email marketing experts.

Top 8 Reasons to Use Marketing Automation

Marketing is a complex thing with multiple facets and room to always do something new and extraordinary. But while you think of ideas that will instantly grab the attention of prospects, automated processes can take care of all the mundane tasks for you.

Building relationships is probably the most crucial aspect of marketing. However, you need to go through several tasks to get to the part where you can show your competence to a lead. And a lot of these tasks are far from being interesting at all.

But I am here to tell you that it is precisely for these reasons that you should use marketing automation.

What is Marketing Automation?

Marketing automation refers to the use of software to automate different marketing processes. For example, suppose you want to use a drip campaign to capture leads and you have prepared a set of emails for the same. Now, conventionally, you would send different emails at different times based on how a particular lead is reacting to the contact.

Marketing automation software will allow you to schedule the drips and will automatically send follow-up emails according to the reaction of the prospect.

You will often hear that ‘when used correctly, marketing automation has the potential to nurture your leads in a highly specific and targeted way, one which has a high chance of converting them into clients. But for this to happen, you have to make sure NOT to automate the wrong processes.

A common example is buying a list of prospects rather than building one on your own. Well, now that’s out of the way, let’s see what makes marketing automation so important.

Top Reasons to Use Marketing Automation

Enhances efficiency by saving time

Marketers can significantly increase the efficiency of their entire workflow if they automate certain processes. Your social media campaign can run smoothly if you schedule posts rather than posting content manually every single day (much like drip campaigns which we talked about in the previous section).

Enhances efficiency

If such tasks don’t call your attention, you will spend more time coming up with unique strategies to capture leads. In a nutshell, marketers can use their time for valuable aspects of the workflow rather than worrying about administrative tasks.

Aligns sales and marketing

If you have ever worked in either the sales or the marketing team, you know that strife between the two can easily occur. The marketing team will argue that they are bringing in leads but sales folks are not taking timely actions. Sometimes, salespeople find out that a prospect has been receiving way too many messages as both teams are targeting them.

It’s a common enough problem in organizations and can be solved to a large extent by structuring processes properly, and that’s where marketing automation comes in. The problem mainly occurs due to misalignment; however, if processes become transparent for everyone, both teams can easily get on the same page.

Marketing automation will help ensure that better quality leads (more about this later) are coming in and that time-consuming and repetitive processes are streamlined.

marketing automation

Effectively tracks the lead lifecycle

As you read ahead, you’ll notice that it is very important to track the funnel stage of leads in your pipeline. Why? Because everything you do after identifying a lead depends on their position in the funnel.

Suppose a lead is at the top of the funnel and without considering it, you are sending them product portfolios. This will especially not work for SaaS companies. If a lead doesn’t even know what kind of service you are offering, there’s no way they are going to buy the product.

Similarly, if you keep showing awareness-building content to leads who are at the bottom of the funnel, they’ll eventually tire and drop out of your network.

Hence, marketers need to know the lifecycle stage of a lead. Marketing automation software does this effectively by tracking the lead on the browser and studying their online behavior.

Improves content quality by focusing on personalization

You’ll rarely hear the term ‘marketing’ without ‘personalization’ these days. This is because marketers are aware that they can’t go far without personalizing content, let alone close high-value deals.

The leads in your funnel are at different stages and should be targeted through curated content that is relevant to them. Marketing automation software will tell you at what stage a particular lead is and allow you to create content for them accordingly.

There are a lot of marketing automation software these days that give you actionable recommendations to improve your content quality. And let’s not ignore out-of-the-box content that can help you more than anything. Are you targeting leads through video content, personalized decks, or stuff they may find funny? No? It’s all worth a try, believe us.

Build a relationship with your audience by using all the information you have about them and your business will grow in ways you might not have thought. Marketing automation will be an asset when you go for such campaigns.

Better customer profiling

Leveraging a CRM tool alongside marketing automation is probably the most helpful thing you can do for your business. Data is everything for organizations and if you don’t have enough data to act on, you can’t hope to stay afloat in business.

Customer Profiling

A CRM tool can fetch behavioral and even personal information about quality leads. Think about how much you can do with such data points. Personalization becomes ten times easier and your chances of closing a client will surely plummet.

Improves the lead quality and nurture process

With all the important data you have at your disposal, you can be sure of one thing- you won’t have to deal with as many unqualified leads. Lead scoring systems of CRMs are further important, as they let you know when a lead has become a marketing qualified lead and when it crosses the score to become a sales qualified lead.

After each of these events, it is also important to nurture leads properly. Now, even with the help of a marketing automation tool, there are bound to be leads that won’t convert. But, you surely can’t skip the nurturing process in any case, which unfortunately is time-taking.

Marketing automation can take this task off your hands and ensure that all the leads in the pipeline are being nurtured properly. While a lead may not be ready to buy your product at the moment, they may be ready to convert after some time.

Reasons to Use Marketing Automation

Increases engagement rate

This is somewhat related to personalization but is an effect of the latter. When you personalize the content by considering user intent, you show the prospect that you have been thorough. This lets them know that you have discovered that your product can possibly be of use to them.

If you’re employing such strategies, you’ll notice that leads are engaging more with your content and emails. And well, if the engagement rate is increasing, the chances of closing deals increase as well. Behind such a strategy lies marketing automation, because to get to this stage, you’ll need to automate certain processes (as discussed above) that increase the value of your content.

Organizes reporting and analytics

As important as reporting and analytics are marketers aren’t usually fond of keeping track of a multitude of data, especially if one has to do it manually. But, with the help of a marketing automation tool, reports can be generated easily. There, doesn’t that sound like a lot of your problems were just solved?

You can streamline all your processes, see which process needs improvement, what campaigns are working efficiently and can be used again, and basically know any points that need to be changed if you have proper reports at your disposal.

Final Thoughts

There are a lot of touchpoints that can be automated using marketing automation software, and well, as we’ve tried to show, your work can become more result-oriented. Pick out areas where you think your workflow is lagging and check if marketing automation can help in that area.

Otherwise, processes like lead lifecycle tracking, data gathering and feeding in the CRM, and scheduling emails, and social posts are certainly the areas that can be automated.

A Beginner’s Guide to Sales Automation

Sales processes have changed dramatically over the years, thanks to digitalization. Today, salespeople are looking at aggressive targets with a limited amount of time to go through every single task. All the outcomes have to meet overwhelmingly high expectations about quality.

In such a scenario, a good sales automation tool can be of huge help to sales folks. How you can use sales automation is extensively varied. However, this also comes with the responsibility of figuring out which processes should be automated.

If you use sales automation in an ideal way, you’ll see that you have a tremendous amount of time to take care of important tasks. And you’ll eventually achieve the ultimate goal of closing more deals and boosting revenue.

This guide aims to explain various aspects– all the why’s, what’s, and how’s– of sales automation clearly and concisely.

What is Sales Automation?

Sales automation is the use of software to automate certain processes involved in sales workflows, such as scheduling emails, data entry in your CRM system, and managing the sales pipeline.

Tasks that need to be done even though they aren’t interesting enough can be automated to free up your time for building valuable relationships.

There are multiple tasks at each stage of the funnel that a salesperson has to take care of to further the prospect down the funnel. Additionally, sales managers and sales reps have different needs when it comes to automated sales processes.

Let’s take a look at everything that a sales automation tool, or a combination of sales automation tools, can do for you. But before moving on to that, we believe it’s important to talk a little bit about CRM (customer relationship management) since it is responsible for automating various sales processes.

Beginner’s Guide to Sales Automation

Importance of Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

The CRM tool you use is essentially responsible for managing everything ranging from managing prospects’ data to maintaining relationships with current and future customers. With the help of a CRM tool, you know at what stage a prospect is at any given time, which further allows you to target them with highly relevant content.

CRM tools like Hubspot and Salesforce automatically gather all the relevant data, such as online behavior, company website, location, and name, about prospects/leads. What’s more, such a platform will automatically organize data, which means that a sales rep won’t have to deal with data entry.

This also means that a salesperson won’t have to sit and segment the audience for better targeting. A CRM tool can help you streamline various sales processes to make them more efficient and give you better results.

Customer Relationship Management

What can Sales Automation do for you?

Prospecting and lead enrichment

If your business is still relying on buying lists of prospects, it’s high time you reconsider your strategy. Not only is this an outdated way of running a business, but it’s also miles away from being effective in any way.

Instead, you can rely on data that your CRM or sales automation tool gathers about potential customers and plan your strategy accordingly. Once you have a list of qualified leads, you have to enrich and make sure that they eventually move down the funnel.

At this point, you need to have every important information about the leads that are on your list, which includes whether or not they are currently looking for the product that you are offering or if they are already connected with other vendors. This is in addition to all the personal information that the CRM will gather about the leads.

All these data points are of great significance, as you will be able to come up with an actionable and result-oriented strategy for targeting the leads. Sales automation makes all this easy by gathering all information about prospects, thereby giving you more time for planning.

Lead scoring for prioritizing and qualifying leads

Another important task that a sales automation tool does for generating quality leads for you is lead scoring. Lots of CRMs these days have a lead scoring system- leads are scored based on the actions that they take. For example, a lead will be scored 10 if they visit your website or blog twice.

Similarly, their score will increase as they engage more and more with your content or website. This way, you can separate marketing-qualified leads and sales-qualified leads and see what sort of action needs to be taken for which contact to nurture them further.

A lead scoring system will also let you know which leads you should prioritize. The intent is something that you cannot afford to ignore and if one prospect is more willing to engage than another, simple logic dictates that you should pay more attention to that contact.

Sales automation can determine which prospect or lead you should prioritize by taking into account their behavioral and demographic information.

Salespeople had to manually keep a check on such aspects (and several erroneous situations might have occurred), today you have an automation tool at your disposal that tells you exactly how you need to deal with a prospect, lead, or client.

Email personalization and scheduling

Email marketing is an integral part of sales workflows. It is through email outreach that you engage prospects and maintain relationships with your clients. If not done right, you could lose out on potential business and eventually face significant revenue loss.

But, what exactly is the right way to engage prospects and customers via email, and what does sales automation have to do with it?

Well, a good email strategy should pay attention to details about the prospect and include personalized content. This is not limited to putting the name of the prospects at the start but involves thorough research to find out at which stage the prospect is, what type of content should they be shown, and any sort of relevant personal detail.

Achieving this is surely not an easy feat, especially because as a sales rep you probably won’t be dealing with just a couple of prospects and clients. Furthermore, an email outreach campaign doesn’t involve just sending out a single email.

You cannot possibly hope that prospects would respond to the first email you sent out. This means that a drip sequence will have to be created and you will need to send follow-up emails for engaging prospects. This is where sales automation comes in.

A sales automation tool will have all the important information about your prospects and clients that you need to create a personalized email. You will know what sort of content should be used for targeting a specific lead. For example, a lead at the top of the funnel will first need to be made aware of your product.

You can schedule the entire drip campaign, meaning that leads will receive all the emails required according to how they react to previous emails. The responsibility of remembering to send every email manually is eliminated here. You can also make use of content recommendations and email templates to increase the engagement rates for your emails.

Scheduling calls, meetings, and other events for effective deal management

Scheduling events with a lead or client isn’t in the hands of sales reps. You are at the behest of the lead and have to bend your schedule according to their calendar. A sales automation tool can help you deal with this issue effectively.

These days a lot of reps are just sending a link to their calendars to the clients so they can pick a date on their own. This ensures that the back-and-forth process of getting on a call or meeting with the lead is eliminated. Tools like Hubspot Meetings and Calendly can help you automate such processes.

A key aspect of sales processes is also reviewing the calls that you have had with your clients. Why? Because this gives you a chance to reflect on your process and see if there is any scope for improvement (which would probably turn out to be true).

To do this you need transcriptions and recordings of your calls. Wingman is an example of such an automation tool and can provide you with good insights.

Now, getting on a demo call with a lead is great. A lot of times, this means that there is some sort of intent and you are close to closing a new client. That’s great news indeed. But, the job doesn’t end with the call. There are certain other steps that you will have to follow before you onboard a client.

Moreover, logging in calls and conversations are also among the tasks that you need to follow through. As mundane as these tasks sound and are, there’s no way you can get out of performing them. But, the good news is that you can use your sales automation tool to take care of all this.

A sales automation tool will help you document everything related to calls, meetings, and messages and will reach out to leads regularly on your behalf (of course, after you schedule the emails).

Sales Automation guide

Reporting and dashboards

This one’s for sales managers who need to keep a check on sales reps and ensure that they are moving in the right direction or finding better ways to deal with tasks. The insights you will get from reports of a sales automation tool will help you optimize your sales strategy.

Reporting is a feature that will save you time by evaluating your team’s and individual member’s performance. Sales automation tools are equipped to automatically generate reports and schedule them as well.

Benefits of Sales Automation Tools

So, what exactly do you achieve by automating different tasks in your workflow? Quite a lot:

  1. The number of lost leads is reduced because you don’t waste time going after the wrong people. By paying attention to intent, your list consists of high-quality leads, which can be converted into clients easily and quickly using the right strategy.
  2. Sales reps can close more deals since they don’t spend more time on administrative tasks that are mostly repetitive.
  3. Because you can close an increased number of deals, the overall revenue generation is enhanced.
  4. If as a marketer, you can effectively leverage a sales automation tool, you’ll notice that the productivity of the sales team has taken a hike. This is because they save time and can focus more on tasks that require human intervention.
  5. It is safe to say that a lower number of tasks means reduced manpower. Since sales automation tools can take care of a lot of small but important tasks, people are free to pursue other aspects of the business.
  6. Closing leads in an optimized and personalized manner can also lead to positive feedback and become a way of bringing in referrals. However, if you want to effectively employ personalization strategies, a sales automation tool becomes somewhat of a necessity.

Sales Automation Tools

Don’t Over-Automate Processes

As great as sales automation is, much like any other thing, it can become counterproductive if you are not careful. Sales folks should leverage sales automation tools for capturing relevant data, and documentation, scheduling different events, and reporting. However, they should also note that over-optimizing can take things south.

The two areas where sales automation can be disadvantageous are the very aspects that it aims to make easy:

Over-Messaging: It is highly likely that you end up sending more emails to leads and customers than is needed. This can cause messaging fatigue and alienate leads. So, sales reps have to pay attention to what sort of messages the prospects are receiving and how often.

Sometimes, marketing and sales campaigns overlap and they may target the same prospect without knowing. Therefore, workflows should be set accordingly along with a cadence amidst both the sales and marketing teams.

Extensive planning and high costs: To deploy a good automation process, planning is imperative. You need to have as clear an idea as possible about which areas of the sales processes should be automated. If you fail to do that, you will have to deal with a high bill and inefficient processes.

A lot of times, salespeople use a combination of sales automation tools. However, this can have either more pros or more cons, it all depends on if you’re spending money on what you need.

Sales is essentially a division that can never be fully automated because, at the end of the day, it is about building relationships, which can only be done effectively by the human factor.

Even the most important part of the sales workflow– personalized email reachouts– is in place because prospects don’t react well to generic campaigns. They need to know that you are putting in due effort in addressing your target audience. It is important to make sure that your strategies always have the human touch needed for building long-term relationships.

To summarize…

Sales automation should act as a way of optimizing a process that is already in place and should be used for automating tasks that can be performed without sales reps or sales managers. According to McKinsey & Company, about 30% of sales tasks can be automated. If this does not hold for your organization, it is time to rethink your sales strategy.

You could be wasting a lot of time performing tasks that can be done easily and probably much more efficiently through an automated process. Data entry is one such task. This also means that you are spending less time on tasks that need more attention, for instance, coming up with a personalized sales pitch.

But keep in mind that there is a fine line between optimizing and over-optimizing processes and crossing that line could be equally damaging as not using sales automation at all.

Ensure that you are not depersonalizing your messages and not sending a plethora of messages in hopes of getting a reply. This could be unfavorable for your brand and lead to a bad reputation.

Ideally, you have to know what position your business and what sales automation tools will result in its growth. Your sales team will most probably require multiple tools to streamline different aspects of the entire workflow. Before you get settled on anything, make sure to ask yourself if the features are in alignment with your company’s goals.

10 Best Sales Automation Tools to Use in 2023

With the increasing number of prospects on lists, sales processes have become far more intimidating and overwhelming. Focusing on clients in a conventional way is not enough anymore. If you are not spending enough time segmenting your audience, you will end up running a generic sales pitch, which will get you nowhere.

So, how do you hit the bullseye without burning yourself out? It’s pretty simple- sales automation tools! According to Hubspot, sales folks are spending less and less time on actually ‘selling’ and more time on administrative tasks, such as data entry, scheduling meetings, and writing emails. Inbspot stated that salespeople just spend 1/3rd of their day making sales.

That does not sound right, mostly because it shouldn’t be that way. This problem can be effectively solved with sales automation tools.

Why do you need sales automation tools?

Sales automation tools essentially pave the way for taking care of more important things salespeople have on their plates. If you can generate relevant data about your leads through an automated process, you’ll be free to work on your sales pitch and mold it according to the needs of a particular lead.

Automation tools will go a long way in making processes more efficient, streamlined, and quick. Another important point to consider is that the chance of committing human error will be reduced significantly through automated processes.

sales automation tools

At the end of the day, such tools will prove beneficial for reaching the ultimate revenue goals of the organization, as sales reps will be able to conduct business much more thoroughly.

Now that we have gone over the importance of sales automation tools, let’s see which tools you can apply:

HubSpot Sales Hub

Hubspot sales

Pricing: A free basic plan. Paid plans start from $45/month

Hubspot is a popular tool and is already being used widely by a multitude of organizations. Hubspot Sales Hub is specially designed for streamlining different sales processes. Its key features include an easy-to-use reporting and analytics dashboard, sales engagement tools, sales CRM, and quote functionality. You can further integrate over 750 tools in Hubspot’s App

Marketplace with Hubspot Sales Hub. Everything you need to have smooth sales processes will be present in one single place. This is a great tool for marketing automation- the lead scoring system will help you generate qualified leads


Active campaign

Pricing: Paid plans start at $9/month

ActiveCampaign is built particularly to automate everything ranging from segmenting the audience to personalizing content. The platform puts great emphasis on customer experience and therefore, will help you build relationships that last. ActiveCampaign’s sales automation tool allows you to manage all your contacts in a single place and automates different sales processes.

Its CRM platform further has a lead scoring system that will let you generate quality leads. You can integrate over 850 apps, including Calendly and Zendesk, with ActiveCampaign and manage your affairs without hassle.

Pricing: Plans start at $19/month/user lets you automate several tasks, such as drip campaigns and follow-ups. You don’t have to put in prospects’ data separately in this tool as it allows you to integrate any other tools you might be using, including Salesforce, Hubspot, and Slack.

Other than this, managing outbound activities (most importantly email-related tasks) can become more efficient with the help of You can personalize your emails for every lead that you want to capture and schedule a drip campaign.

If you are looking for a tool that will make your email campaigns systemized and effective, is the tool for you.


Pipe drive

Pricing: Plans start from $12.50/month

Pipedrive will help you schedule all the sales actions that you need to take in toose more deals. Integration of mobile apps and sales apps, tracking communications, automation of administrative tasks, reporting and analytics, and management of leads and deals are some of the key features that this tool offers.

Pipedrive says that they can help you sell 28% more- that sounds like something that you give a shot.



Pricing: Custom plans, based on your needs.

A state-of-the-art platform, Bombora provides you insights about leads that you should ac go after rather than going through a discovery and elimination process. The result is that you will get actionable data about quality leads, as Bombora gathers all the relevant information for you.

The leads that Bombora will suggest are the ones who are already in search of solutions that you offer, so there’s no need for you to go looking for intent. Moreover, you can integrate several other platforms with this tool, which means you won’t need to worry about changing any other sales tools that you are already using.

Zoominfo (Previously EverString)


Pricing: Contact Zoominfo for pricing

Zoominfo believes in spending “less time prospecting and more time selling”. This means that you wouldn’t have to waste your time on finding intent and insights where your leads are concerned. You have all the important data at your fingertips, which will allow you to understand your prospective charges in a better way and target them accordingly.

You can move on to having relevant conversations with the leads in just a short spperiodZoominfo leletsou fast-forward the sales processes and allows you to spend more time on making sales.


Pricing: A free basic plan. Paid plans start from $9.99/month for 500 contacts

MailChimp is another well-known sales automation platform. The reason for this is its easy-to-use and efficient features, such as email marketing, marketing automation, app integration, insight and analytics tools, and targeted ad campaigns. The platform gives you insights about your contacts and tells you which contacts are the most valuable for you.

You can reach your audience in the right way since MailChimp helps you create better content. This is an ideal tool for sales folks who are looking for good automated marketing solutions.


Insight squred

Pricing: Contact InsightSquared for pricing

Slightly deviating from solutions for automating sales processes, let us introduce you to a platform that you can use for sales forecasting- InsightSquared. This platform will help you go for data-driven revenue goals with its AI-powered solutions. InsightSquared’s key features include sales forecasting, data intelligence, analytics and reporting, and monitoring data quality.

Through this platform yo,u can set your company’s ideal revenue goals and know what kind of sales you need to make to achieve those goals. A platform like InsightSquared can help you plan strategically in terms of your sales goals to stay ahead in the industry.



Pricing: A free basic plan.

Paid plans start from $63/month. This tool lets you know about the businesses that are checking out your website. Through Leedfeeder, you can have all the information about whoever is visiting your website, which includes their behavior, names, and company and contact information.

Another interesting feature of this tool is that it can be integrated with your CRM platform, thereby enriching your leads faster and much more efficiently. Leedfeeder is an ideal tool for salespeople who are looking to streamline prospecting workflow.



Pricing: Contact Autoklose for pricing

This sales automation platform is a technology-driven, machine learning to be precise, a platform that integrates seamlessly with CRM platforms such as Salesforce. Some interesting products that Autoklose offers are contact management, email campaign management, sales intelligence and data, real-time reporting, email tracking, and email sequence templates BaYouan automates practically all your sales processes to get better results.

Autoklose is a great solution for people looking to automate lead generation and email campaigns. You can go for a free trial and see if it works for you.

In closing

And with this, we have reached the end of our list of top 10 sales automation tools to try in 2021. We made sure to include budgeted solutions as well as premium solutions that can make your work easy to a large extent.

But we want to iterate that before settling on any platform, make sure to understand the needs of your company and sales team properly or you could end up with something that doesn’t necessarily help you reach your goals.