Canonical URL

A Canonical URL serves as the definitive or “master version” of a webpage within your website’s architecture, prioritized for search engine crawlers to discover and index. In the course of implementing various marketing campaigns and tracking user activities, additional parameters or tracking information may inadvertently accumulate within your page URLs.

This can result in multiple versions of the same content scattered across your site, which can confuse search engine crawlers and potentially dilute the visibility of your pages in search results. To address this issue, webmasters employ canonical URLs by specifying a preferred version of the content within the HTML markup of each webpage. This canonical tag serves as a directive to search engines, indicating the authoritative URL that should be considered the primary source for indexing and ranking purposes.

By consolidating duplicate or similar content under a single canonical URL, you not only streamline the crawling and indexing process for search engines but also ensure a consistent and coherent user experience across your website. This strategic implementation of canonical URLs helps to maximize search engine visibility, mitigate duplicate content issues, and enhance the overall effectiveness of your SEO efforts.


For example, Imagine you have a blog post titled “Top 10 Tips for Healthy Eating,” which has multiple URLs due to tracking parameters:

  2. https:/

To specify the preferred version for search engines, you add a canonical tag to all versions of the page: <link rel="canonical" href=""/>This tells search engines that the URL without tracking parameters is the primary source of the content, helping to avoid duplicate content issues and improve search engine ranking.