Cost Per Click (CPC)

Cost Per Click (CPC) is a payment model where website publishers charge advertisers for each click on their display ads showcased on the publisher’s site. Unlike traditional advertising methods where you pay just for ad exposure, CPC ensures you only incur costs when your audience actively engages with your ads by clicking on them. This model offers a more cost-effective approach, as you’re essentially paying for genuine interest and interaction rather than mere visibility.

Google stands out as a prominent player in the realm of CPC advertising, offering a robust platform for advertisers to bid on keywords and display their ads across its vast network of partner websites. Through Google’s extensive reach and sophisticated targeting capabilities, advertisers can effectively reach their desired audience segments with precision and efficiency.

Furthermore, Google’s expansive network extends beyond its platforms, as it partners with numerous publishers to distribute CPC ads across a diverse array of websites. This broad distribution network allows advertisers to amplify their reach and connect with potential customers across various online channels, maximizing the impact of their CPC campaigns.

CPC empowers advertisers to optimize their marketing budgets by paying only for tangible results, driving meaningful engagement, and ultimately, achieving their advertising goals more efficiently.


For example, you run a small online business selling handmade jewelry, and you want to advertise your products on a popular fashion blog:

Cost Per Click (CPC):

> You agree to pay the fashion blog $1 for every click on your ad.

> If your ad gets 50 clicks, you would pay the blog $50 ($1 per click).

In this scenario, you’re only paying for actual clicks on your ad, not just for it being displayed. This ensures that you’re getting value for your advertising budget, as you’re only paying when people show genuine interest in your jewelry by clicking on the ad.