
In its essence, email represents “Electronic Mail,” serving as a fundamental element of marketing due to its direct access to a contact’s inbox. However, with this direct connection comes a significant responsibility. Marketers must uphold the integrity of the email relationship with contacts and avoid abusing it. If trust is established through careful communication, it’s all too easy for contacts to opt out by clicking “unsubscribe.” Therefore, it’s imperative not to squander this trust by inundating contacts with irrelevant or excessive emails. 


An example of an email could be a promotional message from an online retailer announcing a special sale event. The email might include a catchy subject line like “Don’t Miss Out: Our Biggest Sale of the Year!” and feature compelling visuals of discounted products.

The body of the email would provide details about the sale, such as the duration, specific items on sale, and any discount codes or promotions available. It would also include clear calls-to-action prompting recipients to shop now or explore the sale further on the retailer’s website. Additionally, the email may contain links to relevant product categories, customer reviews, and social media channels for additional engagement.